Just a quick Hello👋🏽💜

As always, I wanna first take the time to give thanks to God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and my entire Spiritual Team💜💜💜∞


Hey Y’all👋🏽


I hope you are reading this in good spirits and feeling wonderful, and if not quite there yet I pray and hope that you will leave here (LoveIndividually.com) feeling that way.


I know that I have said this a time or few, but once again it’s been a minute. If only you knew just how much the op has tried to stop this mission. However, rest assured that I am standing on God’s word that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).


I have been through it and back these last few years, but The Most High keeps me going and keeping me with that peace that has definitely surpassed any understanding that I could have imagined in the past as I remain focused on Him and the Kingdom business that He has entrusted me with (Philippians 4:4-7).


As I continue to work on the site please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions (info@loveindividually.com), and bear with me as I am not a web designer – well not yet anyway 😉. However, I do offer one-on-one Bible Based Spiritual/Life Coaching, and you can also email me for prayer request at the link above if the website has not yet been updated with the designated prayer request link.


Family, I hope that you all know that everything I do here is with The Most High’s blessings and directions and that this is above me and He get’s all the praise and glory. I am just being obedient and allowing The Creator to use me as a vessel.


Anyway, I just wanted to check in and let you all know that “All Is Well,” and the journey continues because we all know that any setback is just a setup for greater.


Again family, remain hopeful and stay prayed up because as I am sure you all know that there has been much spiritual warfare going on and the op is working overtime trying to get God’s chosen to throw in the towel – – DON’T GIVE UP. Just remain in faith and stand on God’s word and His promises.


Until next time…


God Loves you and I do too!



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