God I thank you and love you more than words can express!!!
Sincere love, and gratitude to God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and my entire spiritual team.
First, I want to say – Hey y’all👋🏾 I hope you all are reading this while in good spirits and feeling loved and happy, and if you are not quite there yet I pray and hope you are there soon. Sending love and positive vibes to each and every one of you.
Well, I thought I’d end out September with the fourth post being about one of the many reasons why I feel so free and loved in this life of mine. It’s forgiveness.
I thank God daily for forgiveness. Not Just His forgiveness of my wrongs, but also for how His love for me teaches and allows me to forgive others, and most importantly how to forgive myself.
I never really had a problem forgiving other people for real. I tend to let stuff go kind of fast, sometimes maybe a little too fast. However, it sometimes took a while longer to forgive myself of the mistakes I felt I made.
I had to forgive myself for not showing myself enough love and grace while I figured out life.
Of course, we never stop learning if we’re lucky, but in order to move forward I had to learn to forgive myself for all the years I was being my own worst enemy, and then for being my worst enemy while simultaneously being my best friend. I had to forgive myself for ever even allowing myself to treat me worse than I would ever even think of treating someone else.
So, for me I believe this level of freedom is tied into forgiveness because it helped break many of the metaphorical chains that I felt was holding me down and it also felt like a massively heavy weight was lifted that was present prior to truly forgiving myself and making peace with the time I felt I lost that I can never get back.
Love was definitely the major source and foundation of it all.
Deep down I believe I have always loved myself, but unfortunately there was a time that I would punish myself to the point where it was even hard for me to recognize that any love was there at times. However, one thing that stayed constant was never completely wanting to give up on me even on my worst days.
I am thankful that God has brought me through so much and continues to guide me on this journey.
I will dive deeper into some of the steps I took in order to overcome the toxic relationship that I had developed with myself and how I managed to fall in love with me all over again. You’ll also get to read more details about what landed me to feeling certain ways about myself both good and bad.
So…until then I hope you all will be blessed, stay safe, give and receive love, stay in peace, and feel genuine happiness.
And just like that we have approached the final hours of September 2022, and 🎉I managed to post four posts for this month like I said I would🎊. We’re on our way up y’all 😂lol.
Seriously though…
I am praying for, believing, and claiming that this coming month of October will be yet another blessed month and God will deliver some of the promises and desires that He has placed on our hearts. I am claiming continued peace, blessings, excellent physical-mental-spiritual health, prosperity, financial abundance, and all of the wonderful blessings that God has in store for me, my babies, and all of His children, In Jesus name – Amen!
And of course, I can’t end this post or this month out without saying Thank You All So Much for sharing some of your precious time with me once again. I love you!
See you in October 😘
Peace 💜