Coming Soon…

Still working on some things, but I want to remain consistent in staying present. The Holy Spirit is keeping this mission a priority in my life and not allowing me to put it off the way I have many times in the past. I will gradually add entries discussing different topics and sharing the way that God has brought me through things that would have otherwise been impossible for me to overcome.

Right now, there are so many things happening in the world around us and we could all use a little more positivity. I am just one of many that God is using to spread His message, and although I am used to speaking to others in person one-on-one, doing so on a public forum is something I’m still adjusting to.

As the name Love Individually exemplifies, I am usually pouring into people on an individual basis and in more personal settings for the most part, but I am confident that my experience will help me adapt to speaking to the collective on this platform. Again, I am just the vessel being used for a purpose greater than me.

I hope that you all are all finding ways to stay in peace and know that you are loved. To God be the glory!
