God I thank you and love you more than words can express!!!∞
Jesus I thank you and love you more than words can express!!!∞
Holy Spirit I thank you and love you more than words can express!!!∞
Much thanks, gratitude, and love to my entire Spiritual Team, I thank you and love you more than words can express!!!∞
Hey y’all👋🏾
I hope you all are reading this while in good spirits and feeling loved and happy, and if you are not quite there yet I pray and hope you are there soon. Sending love, light and positive vibes to each and every one of you.
Well as you can see I am still here and committed to this part of my journey even though this site may not reflect the hard work and dedication that I have put in and continue to put into it.
It’s coming 🤞🏽
In the meantime, I of course just wanted to come and check in and say a few things before we close out yet another month of 2022 already.
Only 3 more months until we enter 2023.
Yup, we’re already a few hours away from November. I know I keep saying it as if I am surprised, but the time is flying by so fast.
There has definitely been a lot going on, and I know the saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun,” but I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s been fun enough for the time to fly by quite this quickly😆.
With that said, let’s remember to stay prayed up and in faith while we finish out this year better than it began.
Trust me I know it can be easier said than done, but stay encouraged, and don’t give up.
I also know that with everything that’s happening all over the world and within our own lives this journey can sometimes be difficult, but remember God is able and we didn’t make it this far to turn back or give up now.
We’ve got this! 💪🏾
As usual I can’t and won’t end this post or this month out without saying Thank You All So Much for sharing some of your precious time with me once again. You are truly appreciated, and I love you!
See you in November 😘
Love Individually